My little big cousin graduated from high school and in the fall she will be on her way to GB to study classics. Doing something like old Greek, Latin or literature is really awesome in this crazy scientists/doctors family. I hope she will love it. I am sure she will love it, becuase she lives in her books(she's probably the only person I know who reads more than me and my brother).
Dad's 65th birthday or it's celebration is on Thursday and I'm going to make a special cake for him. I haven't baked for ages!
M. is allowed to come home for the whole weekend. Sure it will be lot of stress, but I believe and hope the antidepressants (ok, + the infamous therapist) are starting doing their job in some ways. We had ice cream!
I've been running outside today for a while instead of my usual exercise and I am really determined to cut down the time on the cross-trainer. This metal ad rubber guy is safe, but boring. Well one can read or listen to some podcast, but I swear too much crosstrainer makes me dumb. I am in kind of tricky relationship with all taht "glorious" sweat, but it deprives me from all the sun and gardens with ripening berries and cherries and smell of lime-trees and red of poppy flowers. And the numbers on the display have way too high OCD potential. I need to stop the numbers game.
I've survived the law (I have had a question about substitute family care and family law and we spoke predominantly about Midsummer Night's Dream and Oedipus haha.) So: since now I am M.D. It will be a lifelong journey and I will probably soon post something about how scared I am, but for today I am supposed to be happy. And I am, it is just this weird kind of uncertain happy.
I hope good news are global issue and you all have some! xx
Wowzas and congratulations again! you're my little doctor <33333 A~